Non-surgical facelift treatment

Due to stressful lifestyle, polluting environment and poor eating habits, early signs of ageing start appearing on face and neck. Therefore, age related skin sagging and appearance of wrinkles is becoming a common concern which people want to address cosmetically. There are both surgical and non-surgical options available in the market to cosmetically improve facial…

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Dermatologist in Bandra

With increasing use of chemical based skin care products, air and water pollution as well as stressful lifestyle; the need to visit a skin specialist is no longer an alien concept for urban citizens. Skin specialists in Mumbai often come across patients who merely want to improve their skin and not get a disease or…

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Laser tattoo removal in mumbai

Tattoos are popular as a way of self-expression in contemporary culture. With the evolution of technology and art, more and more people have been able to decorate their bodies with tattoos. At the same time, many people who experiment with tattoos, eventually feel the need to get the ink removed and restore the natural state…

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Psoriasis treatment in Mumbai

Psoriasis is an irksome, often embarrassing and fairly debilitating condition of the skin and scalp. It is an autoimmune condition which results in the formation of thick, scaly, inflamed lesions on the skin and scalp which can have the tendency to ooze and even bleed. Patients usually experience periods of remission followed by severe incidence…

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Microdermabrasion treatment in Mumbai

Microdermabrasion treatment involves the abrasion of the outermost layers of the skin with a stream of micron-sized particles in order to remove the older skin and tissue and replace it with younger, smoother skin. Microdermabrasion treatment is a simple, yet effective procedure and can be obtained at several microdermabrasion clinics all over Mumbai. Microdermabrasion treatment…

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