Dark circles can be very irritating. Not only do they look ugly, they also make any kind of eye make-up look horrible. Whoever advises people to hide their dark circles with makeup didn’t have any dark circles. If you want to get dark circles treatment in Mumbai that will actually work then it should be something that is taken seriously.

Getting to the root cause of the problem

Your late nights seem to have caught up on you and the tell-tale dark circles don’t seem to fade away no matter how many cold tea bags you use on them! That is because they don’t get to the root cause of the problem. Understanding the root cause behind your condition is the most important thing and the only way to do that is to visit a good skin clinic. Some of the causes of dark circles can be as follows:

  • Stress: This is a very common reason why dark circles develop. Whether it is the pressures of the home or the workplace, stress can mean that you get little enjoyment out of your life. It can also mean lots of dark areas under the eyes.
  • Less sleep: The human body needs 8 hours of sleep every night to function properly. If you are not getting enough sleep, it can give rise to this condition.
  • Medical problems: If you have a chronic illness, dark circles may be formed under the eyes.
  • Hereditary: You may have a hereditary predisposition to dark circles. If your mother had dark circles, chances are high that you will too.

Dark circles treatment in Mumbai

The most common dark circles treatments in Mumbai available are:

Chemical peel: This is a great solution and one that a lot of dermatologists recommend simply because it is so effective. A chemical peel will not only make your dark circles appear lighter, it will also make your skin look rejuvenated. Now that’s a win-win!

Laser therapy: If too much exposure to sunlight is causing the condition, your dermatologist may recommend laser therapy to cure it. It is nothing complicated and involves the use of light laser therapy. The procedure is painless and is highly effective.

Blepharoplasty: This is a surgical procedure that is meant for people who want a permanent dark circles treatment in Mumbai. Your dermatologist will be able to recommend whether it is suitable for you and your condition.

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